I’m moving!

Hello all!

I wanted to tell you about some of the things that have been going on in my life for the past week or so.

For the past month and a half we’ve been apartment hunting – we currently live two people in a studio apartment – a little crowded! November 30th we got a text saying that we could look at an apartment, so we did. And finally luck was on our side, so we got the apartment! Which meant we had an apartment from December 1st! Hurry on to give our 6 weeks notice to the office who rents out our current apartment. These news came at quite stressful time though. The month of december means exams! I was so unfortunate to reach a milestone in my university career – I’ve failed and assignment which means re-submission by the 12th -.- Furthermore, we are to turn in an exam paper on the 14th before we start a 7-day exam on the 15th. BUSY SCHEDULE! So the only time we actually have to move is this saturday – thank god for parents who are willing to help with such short notice! By thursday afternoon not a single box has been packed yet – I’m glad that most of my stuff is still boxed up from when I moved from my own apartment to my boyfriend’s.

I wanted to show you some pictures of the new place!

One side of the kitchen. I’m painting the cabinets white later on. The countertop is extra tall, which is a lucky coincidence considering our heights (I’m 1.85 m and my boyfriend is 2.04 m)
Other side of the kitchen. Where putting in an additional cabinet beside the stove as the kitchen has no drawers for cutlery etc. We now have an actual oven!
The bedroom. Just to the left of the pictures are three big closets.
The living room
The bathroom. Unfortunately you have to go through the shower to use the toilet – but hey, we’ll get used to that, right?

December 1st was also our first anniversary together (yeah, we moved in together pretty quickly after 8 months). My boyfriend treated me to a nice dinner at a café in celebration of the anniversary and the new apartment.

This is the dessert. The lighting was very romantic, but it sucked for picture taking 😉
then vs now
The first picture was taken two days before we started dating and the second is from this monday. Not much has changed 😉

That was it for now!

Love, Nanna

5 thoughts on “I’m moving!

  1. lisbethvestergard 04/12/2014 / 17:31

    Hov hov, nu ikke stresse mig. Du har byttet om på datoerne. OMK den 12. og KV den 14. haha :b

    Glæder mig så suuuuuper meget til at se jeres nye lejlighed! Jeg får altid fornyelseskriller, når nogen flytter, selvom vi ikke engang er helt på plads endnu selv haha :b


    • Nanna Sander 04/12/2014 / 18:17

      Oh well, så har jeg mere travlt med OMK end jeg troede ;p
      Glæder mig også til at vise den til folk! 😀 Du må snart komme på besøg så!


      • lisbethvestergard 04/12/2014 / 18:20

        Troede faktisk bare det var en typo, men ja det har du så :b


      • Nanna Sander 04/12/2014 / 18:53

        Er du sikker på at KV først er den 14.?


      • lisbethvestergard 04/12/2014 / 19:32

        Det står der da i semesterplanen?


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