Chameleon rhinestone accents

Contains products sent for review

Since I started school again in september, I’ve been pretty pressed for time, so nail art has sort of taken a backseat to, well, life.

I’ve worn plenty of nail polish (of course), but not so much nail art unless it is quick and easy like this one.

Chameleon stud accents 2

It doesn’t take me long to place some studs as an accent, and it really lifts the whole look, so that’s the sort of look I gravitate most towards these days.

These rhinestones are color shifting in the light with a shift from green to orange, and they’re super gorgeous, but unfortunately the camera primarily picks up the orange, so that’s a bummer, because I paired it with green polish to highlight that color.

Chameleon stud accents 1

Products used:

Leaves Decals on White

Contains products sent for review

Oh boy, this summer has been beyond crazy. A bunch of stuff has been going on in my personal life so that I’ve barely had a chance to breathe.

It is also for that reason that I am not partaking in the 31 day nail polish challenge this year, even though I’ve enjoyed it a lot the past 3 years, but I haven’t been able to muster up the energy for it, and I would hate to participate half-assedly.

While my energy for nail art has been below 0 during the summer, it doesn’t mean I didn’t get around to wearing a bunch of lovely summer shades. I’ve particularly loved the lighter ones from Picture Polish like the one I’m wearing here.

Leaves decal 2

I’ve fallen madly in love with Picture Polish, and I’m currently on my way to buying their entire flakie line….

Leaves decals

Here I have paired ‘Haven’ with some leaves decals from Born Pretty Store to complete the summer look.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, I love water decals and how quickly they can add to a nail look with minimal effort once you’ve gotten the hang of it.

Adding these leaves to a two-day-old manicure took me less than five minutes, and gave the polish new life.

Products used:

Chameleon Nail Powder

Contains product sent for review

Remember how I talked about the amazing weather just a few short days ago? Yeah, that went away real fast.. Now we’re just left with clouds and a slight drizzle. The good thing about the clouds is that it inspires indoor activities such as catching up on photo editing and stuff. When I’m not reading or napping on the couch that is….

Some of the pictures I finally had a chance to edit are these ones of a new (to me) type of nail powder.

I have an entire drawer filled with nail powders, and honestly, I don’t use them too often once the initial interest dies down, but everytime I see a new type, I HAVE to have it. Terrible habit, really.. #nailaddictsunite

So naturally, when I set my eyes on this chameleon powder back in the fall, I fell in love.

Chameleon Powder 1.jpg

I spent AGES trying to decide with color to wear so I could test it, and then I just thought.. I’ll just do it on swatch sticks and do a bunch of colors at once.  Continue reading

Sunset Gradient With Palm Trees

We have just had the best weather here lately! It is not every year that we get a proper summer in Denmark, so I’m very much making the best of it while it’s here!

All of this sunshine has me in the mood for bright colors. Well, holographic polishes most of all, but bright colors is a close second.

Sunset Palm Trees 2

I wish the orange was a little more prominent in the gradient, but considering this didn’t take me very long to do at all (even with the palm trees), I’m sure I’ll get a second chance sometime.

Sunset palm trees 1

Polishes used:

  • Essie – Truth or Flare
  • China Glaze – Treblemaker
  • Sally Hansen – Go Bananas
  • Sally Hansen – Tahitian Sunset

Black and White Landscape Nails

Product sent to me for review

I’ll be totally honest with you, when I picked these out, I hadn’t read the name and description closely enough, and in the product pictures the images looked so smooth that I thought these were water decals.

Unfortunately, when they showed up, they turned out to be stickers, which I have not had the best experiences with before (here, here or here).

Sigh.. I really wish they were water decals so I could get some wear out of them, because how beautiful is this landscape/waterside scenery? I fell in love when I saw them, but when they start to peel around the edges within the hour, it’s not so much fun anymore..

Black and White Landscape 2

I mean, I press them on flat, I put a layer of top coat on top – sometimes two. Is it the curve of my nails that does it? Have any of you guys tried something like this?

Black and White Landscape 1Black and White Landscape 3

Products used:

Blue Dry Bush Mani

It feels like forever ago that I was in the mood for doing nail art, but the mood struck me the other day, so I was quick to respond 😉

These nails are super easy and quick to do, and it creates a really cool effect.

Blue Dry Brush Technique 1

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Green and holo flakie powders

I found these on my camera roll today – I did them forever ago, but for some reason I never really got around to posting them.

Green Powder 1

Ever since powders became a thing, Continue reading

Book Review: No Shame Series (Nora Phoenix)

I’ve spent last week  rereading Nora Phoenix’s No Shame series. I had already read them all around New Year’s, but I had a break between #3 and #4 because the last one wasn’t published yet, and since its a series, I wanted the full experience of reading them in succession.

I absolutely love this series! I was a little unsure with the first two books, as you’ll also read in my reviews, but they touched something in me, so I kept going. And they just got better and better!

I highly recommend this series! Here are my reviews:  Continue reading

February Bullet Journal Setup

As you may know, I started bullet journaling in January, but I posted it a little bit late, so it’s actually the newest post before this one….

Anyways, anyone else feeling the winter blues? I know I am, so my February theme and setup is all about bringing some brightness and happiness back into my life.

The theme is citrus fruits, and my accent color is orange, so there are more oranges than other fruits.

Title Page


Last month, I had a grid style calender, but I felt it took up too much space considering how little events I have in a month. So this month, I am trying out a vertical layout instead, and so far I am really liking it! There is still room to write two or three events, birthdays, tasks etc., so I’m really liking that.

My to do list grew a bit since I filled it all out in January, and I added a table for review copies. I am lucky enough to be reviewing books regularly, so to get an overview over the books and their deadlines, I am putting them in here. That way I can see when they’re due, what my progess is on them (read, reviewed, done) etc.

Continue reading

2018 and January Bullet Journal Setup

Since October 2017, I have scoured the internet for Bullet Journal setup pictures and videos, because I think they are SO cool.

So if you don’t know, bullet journaling is a type of journaling that takes you back to the old days of paper calenders. The difference is that you take an empty notebook and draw in your own modules.

If you want to know more about bullet journaling at its core, check out this page made by the founding father of the bullet journaling trend.

I jumped on the band wagon when we entered the new year. The journal I’m using is a dotted A5 journal from Leuchtterm.

2018 Title Page

My first spreads in the journal are a yearly overview where I have each month listed and I can put in any events that I have scheduled for a later date which I haven’t created spreads for yet (since you do the spreads one month at a time).


My January theme is green, and I kept it simple with the design since I am new to bullet journaling and found it all a little scary, to be honest. I also didn’t do too many spreads since I didn’t know what I would need yet, or if I could keep up with doing it.

But that’s the good thing about this – if you love something, you do it again, and if you don’t you leave it out next month.


I have a monthly overview with a grid-type calender and a to do list.


I have a mood and weather tracker with two squares for each day. The moods are color coded, and each day I have colored in a square according to my moods of the day. (Spoiler alert: I changed this for February, but stay tuned for that post)


My media spreads with books I’ve read in January and my ‘song of the day’ page. I’ve written down a song each day that I’m liking recently, and I think it’s going to be so much fun to look back on this list later on and see which songs were all the rage in January 2018.

This picture was taken halfway through the month when I had filled in the pages, whereas the others where taken just after I had created them, which is why the others look sort of empty..

January is almost over, and after a month of bullet journaling, I am really liking it! Maybe more the process of creating the spreads than keeping up with them, but I’ve had my hands on it every day for the entire month.

Maybe I’ll add more spreads like weekly overviews or something like that at a later point, but I don’t really have a use for them at the moment, so I’m just keeping it simple.